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Forum Posts

Andrew Vincent
Feb 14, 2022
In General Discussion
So, I was reading a number of different blogs and twitter feeds over the weekend, enthusiastically researching this new online writing community that I have just entered; and I noticed just how many authors mention their cats in their bio, (tea as well!) But more eye-catchingly, for me at least, was the vast number of writers out there that also love cats! I myself have two dogs and it begged the obvious question: Which animal is actually the best companion for a budding author? Dogs or Cats? I’ve just acquired a new puppy, and as you can imagine this has created some challenging scenarios that are not exactly conducive to finishing a second book any time soon. But he does sleep, sometimes, and it’s in these hiatuses’ that I can get a few new chapters done. My big one (well big for a cockapoo) is nearly five and he diligently sleeps the afternoon away while I’m busy typing and is then always on hand for a breath of fresh air just as I need a break from it all; perfect! My puppy on the other hand is an absolute nightmare! If he’s not jumping all over the keys or crashing into to any piece of furniture that happens to be in his way, then he’s quietly going for a number two right behind my chair, no doubt with the express intention of distracting me either with the unexpected aroma reaching up into my nostrils, or worse standing up to get a cuppa and inadvertently stepping in the damn thing! You could argue he’s my number one fan, eager to see what I’ve written next; you could certainly ascertain this from the photo attached, but I suspect it not to be the case! I’m sure he will settle down, eventually, and I will have two perfect cockapoos loyally supporting whatever my next writing project is going to be. Do any other writers/dog owners have these problems, or do their dogs in fact act as a timely distraction from the pressure of it all, it would be interesting to know… And that leads me to the key point of this particular blog; Should I swap the two little rascals out for a couple of moggies? Only joking obviously, but it would be an interesting debate; Who makes the best companion for a writer- Dogs or Cats? Any comments or funny stories below are most welcome…
An author’s best friend; Dogs or cats? content media
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Andrew Vincent

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